Mmmmm... turkey!! :p

We were invited to celebrate Thanksgiving with some of Mark's coworkers. We had a fabulous time. The weather here is even warmer than home so we were able to eat outside! Although Mark and I normally do when we eat with my side of the family no one we were dinning with had ever done that. We had people from Virginia, Texas, Tennessee, Venezuela, and Rotterdam in the Netherlands. It was quite a diverse group.
The evening was wonderful full of great food, friends and entertainment. There were numerous games and tricks that blended well into the evening keeping everyone in laughter.

Everyone had a unique place card so they knew where to sit:

The spread:

The table was set, everyone was present and the food was ready. All except the cranberries. These were intentionally saved for the last. Everyone was gathered around and silenced. We were all here to witness and experience the "shhlllluurppphggaa" as the cranberries fell from the can.

It was indeed an inspiring event - some felt the pledge or national song was in order... the majority opted for the food!
Again, a very nice mix of people and nationality. It appears that we subconsciously decided to share the holiday and honor our large section of Dutch by partaking in Heineken as our drink of choice. (just an odd coincidence)

We contributed too - I channeled Mom in order to make these beautiful deserts!

I also made some homemade mashed potatoes, turkey gravy (from the jar of course) and, I'm ashamed to admit, the ugliest, borderline edible deviled eggs ever to come from our family. It actually took me two batched of eggs to get them cooked - the first batch came out poached (for lack of a better description) and the 2nd batch were just barely cooked enough to eat but not really enough to peel well. Oh it was terrible!! We have a flat-top stove and I just can't seem to get the hang of it.
I was definitely not the only deserts in the house, we had a beautiful showing from little pilgrim hats to homemade, authentic Dutch Apple Pie - YUMMY! There are pictures on my web page
We had numerous wonderful toasts.

Once dinner and deserts were done we were amazed and entertained over and over by the nose of a Dutchman. 9 coasters were laid out, he would smell someone's hand (very intently), walk away from the table while the person touched a coaster, he would return, smell the coasters, call up to Allah and could eventually pick out which one had been touched, everytime. We mixed all kind of things up and couldn't stump him!!

Bob had seen the trick many times before and couldn't figure out how he did it. James was new to it but it was simply eating him up inside not knowing. They begged and pleaded for the man to reveal his ability. Finally his price was named: the boys both had to shave off their beards! They both instantly agreed and ran upstairs...

This only broke the ice, soon other amazing talents were showcased, some were busted but all were a good time!
The night was wrapped up with a lovely song written to the tune of 'The 12 days of Xmas'. Everyone was passed out their verse in secret and told only to reveal it when our turn came in the song.
I give you: