FYI: Still looking to sell the Prius and rent out the Missouri City house. If you know anyone looking for either please let me know. Thx
I should get the key to the new apartment tomorrow but we aren't sure how quick we are going to get cable or internet. :o Crap! I guess its a small trade off.
Mark comes home tomorrow nite and I just learned we are having 'Iftar' with his company Thursday nite out in the desert. Don't worry, its not just sand and a tent, it is actually at a resort - it sounds fantastic! You know I'll take tons of pictures but here is the link to the place in the mean time:

Went out for Starbuck's after sunset tonite. They say that traffic in Dubai is bad, and it is a little hairy, but the real problem in my opinion is parking. It is amazing how bad it is in some locations. I spent more time tonite driving around looking for a spot than it took for them to make my coffee. The build these great buildings and shopping areas but rarely consider adequate parking spaces to accommodate the throngs of people they are trying to attract.

That's something else - I hate to admit it but I think that globalization has finally taken its toll on Starbuck's. The pure joy and happiness that has filled my soul every time I have found that glorious green glow in foreign lands has been tainted by the companies inability to maintain basic product standards worldwide.

A good bean is a good bean, no argument there, but the quality of the cup of joe is definitely sub-par. Few places, even in the states, appreciate the difference between a Latte and a Cappuccino, and more places than not burn the coffee to boot. What a shame!
Well we need to end on a happy note so:

I also just heard tonite that a very good friend of mine is pregnant! YAY!! Congrats guys, that's great!!
There is a Starbucks on base in Yokosuka Japan. Been there plenty of times, but they had a Lemon Poppy seed Pound cake that had some type of cream in the center that tasted great. I have looked at all the Starbucks I have been to here in the States and haven't been able to find it. Maybe that will be one of my reasons for going back to Japan.
I have bought a web cam. So when ever you guys set things up let me know. I actually bought it for my online speech class. All I'm going to say is it's an easy class.
You're a nut!
Hey hon! Liz here..I'm so glad you found the would annoy me to no end that I would have to call daily to check on packages!!! You are way patient! Weird on they have central parking lots or something? With all those high dollar archtects you would think they would figure something, that hotel looks amazing! I can't wait to see the pics..pretty elaborate. Ok, have fun!
Hey girlie!
Sounds like your taking this all in great! :) I'm so jealous, wish I could be there with you. :) Maybe Marc and I can honey moon there! haha
I love how you keep us posted. Have fun at the resort, looks wonderful.
Love and miss you!
Hey sis!
Make them reopen that Central Perk one & then you won't have to go to Starbucks anymore:)
Hope you are having a good time.
Love you,
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