There was a terrible accident yesterday morning on the main highway a bit south of the city. I've heard reports of up to 60 cars being involved. We get really bad fog in the mornings (hence the waking in a cloud pics from before) and that combined with people driving like they are trying to win the Indy 500 and extremely poor use of hazard lights, or lights at all for that mater... well, shit like this is bound to happen. It's awful. Surprisingly they are saying only 3 people lost their lives. Check it out, the pictures are surreal.
Here is the video link off of Yahoo's homepage
And here is the link to the local paper that covered it yesterday:
This was the front page of most regional papers yesterday:

Anyways, you guys be careful out there on the roads!
WOW!! Now that is NOT the way to start your day!
Quite an accident. Glad you were nowhere around it.
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