The days here have been unbelievably beautiful!!! The mornings and night are pretty cold, hoovering around freezing, but the days have been unspeakable! It must have been close to 50deg.F and hardly a cloud in the sky! Everyday has been has been better than the day before... The wind will blow and it is chilly but not uncomfortable. It was so pretty this is all I did all day -

You might laugh at me and think I'm a geek but whatever... who's sitting on their ass in Europe?!?! :)
this is the new link to my!.html The old link went bad.
LOL...well, you got us there! I WISH I was sitting on my ass in Europe...instead I'm getting ready for work!
Those ducks remind me of when we lived at Windmill Lakes.
Great pics Jen. I LOVE that you're doing this....and we all get to travel with you.
This is a fantastic adventure for you and everyone! And you are quite the photojournalist.
The kids are all fine. Have not gotten into in trouble that I can see. Don't think you need a baby sitter next year, we get along fine. They are very carefull when taking treats from my hand!
Love, Dad
P.S.How is work going Mark?
You don't know how hard i am luaghing right now. i love your little comments. I've got a trick that you can do while using the toilet. Before you go #2, put a piece of toilet paper down in the bowl! that way when you flush, you will not leave any streaks behind. You can thank John's friend Mike for that little bit of info. We're still counting down the days.
Heehee - sorry you have to go to work. I don't mean to me smug... :)
dad: I'm thrilled the kids are being gentle with you! I like the idea of saving the money next time, thanks.
Jason: Thanks for the tip I guess, the toliet is still disgusting though! Can't wait to see ya'll here!!
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