We are at 6 days to lift off! :) We are crazy excited!! We have spent the last two weeks trying to tie up loose ends at home but our jobs rudely got in the way. He got pushed to 13 hour nites and I have been working 7-12s! Its been crazy to say the least. This past weekend was the 1st time we had a chance to breathe away from work and see eachother for that mater. We are steadily working on getting our house in order and spending as much time with our babies as possible until we go.

These lovely creatures are going to be cared for by our pet sitter, Patty. She'll be by everyday to walk them and feed them. Our brother will be by once a week to spend the afternoon with them and my Dad will come by once a week or so to check on them as well. They should be fine - although I don't know how well I will be... I had Mark install a video survellence so we can keep our eye on them too! That's what we worked on this weekend. That should be up and running soon!
So, we fly out on Sunday evening and will arrive Monday in Amsterdam! Once we get there and settle in a day or two I'm going to be all over this blogging thing. We'll be exploring the Netherlands and Belgium on the weekends until he gets off work.We will be there for about 5 weeks while that fabulous husband of mine has to work some but then we are off to explore greater Europe. We are going everywhere... Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Switerland and then flying out of France. I'm sure we are fitting more into our 2 weeks than we should but that is a chance I'm willing to take. You only live once I hear... we'll see... can't take any chance right now though.
The pictures should be amazing if we can avoid getting our equipment stolen. That is proving to be my biggest fear, being robbed. :| that would SUCK!!
I can't wait to see it ALL!
*We leave Sunday, March 19th
*The flight over is about 9.5 hours (we will be slightly druged and hope to sleep the whole way). Its an overnight flight so I'm hoping that will help with the jetlag.
*Amsterdam is 6 hours ahead of Texas (Central Standard Time). I don't know how the daylight saving thing will affect anything.
*We will have a car and they supposedly drive on our side of the road - no major change there
*We are staying in a 3 room villa within walking distance of the North Sea!!
*When we start our travels we will mostly use the Eurorail - that should be fun
*We return home out of Paris on May 9th - it will be about 10.5 hours home
OH! I have to get back to work! thanks for stopping - I'll be checking in soon!!
Hi Jen. Thanks for updating. What you mean Mom WON'T be looking in on the dogs? HA! You know that Riley was her only baby. I'm suprised it didn't help her along some with the "big dog phobia"....oh well, it's like me with the spider thing, I guess.
I'm so envious of your trip. I wish we were going away somewhere. We've both got the
Oregon winter blahs going on.
Can't wait to read and see more. Great pics of the babies, BTW. Love to you both.
Wow Jen you have alot on your plate. No wonder you haven't updated but i've been checking and will continue to do so. I'm so loyal. Just ask Shangie :) Good you have a good petsitter and family to look after the furkids. That would be stressing me out BIGTIME.
I hear you LOUD and CLEAR about the worrying about your "babies" thing. I almost ruin any trips we go on because I'm fretting about the Dog (not so much the cats because they get to stay at home and my parents visit them).
That video camera thing is an awesome idea!
Hey have a wonderful trip and I personally can't wait to see the pictures and read the updates!
Take care! Get some rest! :-)
Hey Jen~
I'll bet you are freaking out...man you guys are gonna have a blast. Now is the hubs going to be blogging to? I haven't ever asked that...don't want to leave him out if he reads...
Those are great pictures of the doggies & kitty....LOL...
I'll call you before you go.
you will have a great time. It is good to leave knowing your babies are in good hands. You will be getting back to Europe about the time we are leaving to go to Italy. I guess we can only have one crazy blogger there at a time.
Shelly & Angie aka Shangie
Still trying to figure this out. Jenn & Mark left tonight @ 7:05 Houston time (central) on Continental flight CO46--at 10pm (Houston time) they are about over New York. Know I'll never watch the whole trip on computer tracking--not & make it for work tomorrow!! Let me know if anyone follows them farther
That last one was from Mom--Still trying to figure this all out!
You are tracking the trip? I don't know how to do that!
Hey, we got our plane tickets today!!!! We'll see you on the 6th! I'll email all the info to you.
Oh yeah, we started a blog too.
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