Well lets get you updated. One of our best friends, Jason and his wife Ashley, came for a short visit this past weekend. They arrived on Friday after some plane headaches that occured before they even left their home town in Oklahoma. They were suppose to arrive here at 8:20am but instead landed at 11:00am. Not too much time lost. We got a cappachino and hit the road. Schiphol Airport (pronounced: skip-ole) is a cool air port, they have quite a bit of shopping, food, a grocery store and train depot as well as a museum all within its walls. If you're interested you can check out their web site here.
We took off to Brielle for some authentic 16th & 17th century Europe sites and a little shopping.

1620!! I've becomed almost obsessed with finding dates on buildings. This is one of the oldest I've found.
I think we met Mark for dinner at the club house and had a few beers and called it a night. The next day was our journey to Amsterdam!! We needed our rest.
Welcome Back!!! I'm sure everyone else has ALSO been missing the updates!!
Love to all of you
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